Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Database Management Systems Essay

While the database management system terminology has become widespread in India, there is a vast space for the adoption of the systems. The market potential still has a significant amount of spread to increase market share. A computer database is a repository of structured data or information and a database management system is a collection of programs that allows storage and retrieval of this data efficiently. Database management systems have undergone significant changes over the last thirty years. Starting with IBM’s IMS, a hierarchical database management system, in the early 1970s to the recent grid computing relational database management system – Oracle, the database technology has undergone a substantial technological change. During the last decade, relational management system or a derivative of it has become a de facto standard of the industry. ANSI SQL has become the standard query language to interact with any DBMS, though each vendor has its own extension to the standard SQL. (The Indian Express Limited) According to Gartner, in 2008, the Indian DBMS market was worth around $194 million and is expected to grow by 20% in 2010 over 2009. It expects the Indian DBMS market size to reach $233 million in 2010. According to a Forrester Research report, the open-source database market stands at $850 million and is expected to grow by more than 40%, to $1. billion, by 2011. Though small in comparison with the $16 billion commercial database market, it is still a significant feat considering most open-source databases bear no licensing costs. (Gartner) The size, growth, and sheer desire to gain a competitive edge lured global DBMS vendors to India. They have opened offices, signed local partners, and translated their software – and they are finding success. Driven by the inherent need for businesses of all kinds to manage their information, Indian database management system (DBMS) software vendors support customers in a large variety of markets. â€Å"From an Indian market perspective, there is still a long way for all vendors to go. The market potential still has a considerable amount of spread to increase market-share,† says Anil Menon, Country Manager, Software Group Channels, IBM India/South Asia.

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