Monday, January 6, 2020

Steroids in Baseball Essay - 878 Words

Anabolic and androgenic steroids come in many different forms. The most popular form is a pill and is easy to take. The draw back of the pill is it is hard on the liver and kidneys because it passes through the system in a couple of hours. Another popular form is cream. The cream’s advantage is it is easy to apply and is less harmful to the body. The draw back is it is very ineffective. The last form is injection. Injecting straight into the muscle gives the best results. Most serious athletes that use enhancement drugs take pills every day of their cycle and inject three times a week. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Some of the short-term affects of steroid use include mild to severe acne. Another side affect†¦show more content†¦Some pro athletes use this extra aggression as a tool and it can be an advantage along with the increase in strength and stamina. Many people don’t believe steroids can make a mild manner person flip out in rage, but it will make a person that is borderline psychotic cross that line. If a family member wrote an autobiography according to his personal life and decided to include the family’s dirty laundry, how would you feel? Well this is exactly how Todd Jones, a reliever for the Marlins felt when he read, â€Å"The Juice†, an autobiography written by former major league player Jose Canseco. Jose admits using illegal steroids during his career. â€Å"I would never been a major league caliber player without steroids†¦over the years I’ve been diagnosed by my doctors with arthritis, scoliosis, degenerative disc disease†¦ I believe I would be in a wheel chair today if wasn’t for steroids, I needed steroids and growth hormone just to live.† (www:// â€Å"Juice† is the tell-all book because it breaks the clubhouse code of silence and violates an unwritten rule of the game. Speaking out on what was known but never publicized. Jose also says baseball black-balled him when he was 38 homeruns s hort of 500 for his career and a shoe-in for the Hall of Fame. If he had reached 500 homeruns would have still written his book? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The MLBShow MoreRelatedBaseball and Steroids741 Words   |  3 PagesConfirmation/Argument Despite steroids having multiple negative effects on both athletes and the game of baseball, they also have good effects too. The first positive effect that steroids’ provide would be the fact that steroids help speed up recovery time. When a person is heavily stressed Cortisol is produced to help the body and mind handle the stress. 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It is probably the number one sport looked upon and what is happening to it is a bit discouraging. Players have started â€Å"cheating† by using steroids to help them play stronger and better. They are in league where you have to be the best at what you do to play, and if your using drugs to cheat yourRead MoreEssay on Steroids in Baseball2587 Words   |  11 PagesHall of Shame Baseball has always been known as â€Å"America’s Favorite Pastime†. Over the past decade, the game America knows and loves has been exposed as a game full of cheaters. Major League Baseball(MLB) has had over one hundred players test positive for performance-enhancing substances over the past fifteen years. Performance-enhancing substances increase a player’s ability to produce better stats to help his salary. 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